PaperWork in, coding out!
The PaperWork Platform enables learners to create learning and evolving organizations without being bound by the constraints of the applications they have.
These organizations immediately adapt to the changes, bringing customer loyalty and service qualities to the top. PaperWork ensures you always stay beside your customers providing flexible software technology
PaperWork transforms product / service-based organizations into customer-centric organizations
Works on IOS, Android, and Microsoft mobile devices. Add, view, start workflow, approve documents
Advanced integration with any application with .NET and WEB Service API
Web interface design with drag-and-drop method via graphical form design tool, writing code with C # when necessary
All user actions are logged (Document view/versioning, document sharing, changing form data)
Graphical workflow design tool supporting BPMN 2.0 standard. Send process time and KPI identification, reporting, warning and confirmation e-mail to process step
Users can send messages and share documents with each other. Can send download link, specifying number of download and expiration date
All kinds of documents can be versioned. The previous versions can be accessed and logged
Search and query in indexes from words in scanned documents
Group, person, role, document, folder, enrollment-based authorization
You can also find more information on PaperWork by watching our videos below.